Beyonk is the best alternative to Ticket Tailor

Beyonk is the simple, yet powerful alternative to Ticket Tailor that helps you delight your customers, maximize your revenue and reduce your admin.

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Compare: Ticket Tailor vs Beyonk

Ticket Tailor is a platform that allows companies to sell tickets for their events and activities online.

Whilst Ticket Tailor can be a useful tool for those getting started due to it’s ease of use to set up, operators who seek to have more flexibility in how they sell tickets, or who are focused on maximizing revenue, then Beyonk could be a better fit.

logiciel de billetterie

Powerful management tools to grow your experiences

Beyonk differs from Ticket Tailor as not only does Beyonk offer more sophisticated tools in a very simple to use way, Beyonk offers a central calendar which makes it easy to see upcoming bookings and manage recurring events at a glance and with minimal effort.

With a few clicks you can see an overview of your business, or get down to specific bookings for each slot, giving you total flexibility on running your events with ease.

Manage your staff and resources more efficiently with Beyonk’s management tools. You can also monitor staff availability and assign employees to certain experiences and time slots so you always know someone is available to host your events. If your experiences rely on resources such as sporting equipment, our resource management system allows you to set a maximum number for your equipment and assign those resources to ticket types, therefore ensuring you never oversell based on staff or resource capacity.


Drive strong customer relationships

Work with Beyonk to avoid having issues with booking emails being sent into spam. When your customers book with you, they have the option to download their tickets, add to their calendar and receive an email that has 99.9% deliverability, ensuring your customers know exactly what to do and where to be.

Beyonk makes it easy to integrate your new system directly onto your website, so you can set up a fully customized booking system in minutes.


Robust reporting analytics

Your Ticket Tailor system will provide basic reporting metrics, however, Beyonk goes much further than that with a detailed overview of business performance so you can better forecast what future months will look like.

You’ll receive financial and health reports which supply insights on gift voucher sales, most popular ticket types, how much revenue you’re generating and more. You can also review all transactions included in a payout via your Payout Reports.

Work smarter with Beyonk’s powerful reporting analytics.


C'est la différence Beyonk...

Une seule plate-forme. Des possibilités infinies.


Billetterie en ligne

Vendez des billets en ligne pour des attractions, des activités, des événements et des visites guidées grâce à des fonctionnalités puissantes qui vous permettent de vendre davantage tout en réduisant la charge de travail.

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Scanner de billets QR

Réduisez les files d'attente et accueillez chaleureusement vos clients grâce aux outils de numérisation QR et d'enregistrement de Beyonk.

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Vendre des cartes-cadeaux en ligne

Our ticketing software allows you to sell gift cards for your events, tours and activities to boost revenue and repeat customers.

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Adhésion et laissez-passer

Gérez facilement vos abonnements et laissez-passer personnalisés en un seul endroit. Améliorez l'engagement de vos clients, augmentez les visites répétées et encouragez la fidélité tout en augmentant vos revenus.

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Gestion des capacités

Vous souhaitez contrôler les foules ? Fixez des limites de capacité pour chaque tranche horaire afin que votre personnel sur place ne soit pas submergé par les visiteurs.

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Intégration Zapier

Connectez vos ventes de billets à plus de 5 000 outils logiciels externes, y compris des listes de diffusion, des logiciels de comptabilité et bien plus encore. Mettez facilement à jour les systèmes externes que vous utilisez pour faire fonctionner votre entreprise, votre CRM, etc.

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Point de vente

Tirez parti de notre système EPOS intégré ou de l'une de nos connexions externes pour vendre des billets en personne tout en proposant des services de restauration, des marchandises, des abonnements et bien plus encore.

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Ce que disent nos clients


Very happy with Beyonk, the overall system is brilliant and the customer service is great. Ease of use for us and for the customer.

Sarah à Wild Futures


Besoin d'aide ?

Book a meeting with us today and we’ll help you get started with your new ticketing system. Discover a multitude of powerful features that will allow you to supercharge your business growth.

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See for yourself how Beyonk could revolutionize the way you sell tickets

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