Making the Most of Your Beyonk Booking System in 2021

Here's some top tips on how to make the most of working with Beyonk to market your tours and activities in 2021…

Making the Most of Your Beyonk Booking System in 2021
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Making the Most of Your Beyonk Booking System in 2021 | Beyonk Blog
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Here's some top tips on how to make the most of working with Beyonk to market your tours and activities in 2021…
With so much flux with Coronavirus restrictions changing all the time, we know it can feel like a hopeless situation. But there are some great ways to make the most of your free time so you're prepared for the inevitable surge in bookings out of the other side. Here's some top tips on how to make the most of working with Beyonk to market your tours and activities in 2021...

Actions to attract more customers

There's a bunch of quick wins using the Beyonk booking system to be ready for when consumers are out of lockdown and ready to visit you again, including...
  • Share a link to your booking portal on social media . The more a user has to click around to find something, the more sales leakage there is. The closer you can get them to book, the more bookings you'll get. Sharing your booking system on social media to pre-book and have something to look forward to is a great way to start. But try adding the "Book Now" button to your Facebook page and linking to your booking portal for customers to quickly book.
  • Share booking widgets on local tourism websites. Sharing your booking system on local cafe, hotels, B&Bs or local clubs, can help to drive more bookings and turn browsers into buyers. The more places you can share your booking portal, the more bookings.
  • Offer promotion discount codes , or discount codes for partners to offer out to their visitors. The closer overlap in audience interests the better.
  • Sell Gift vouchers , Valentine's day is the next big gifting period, so can you throw together a couples experience?
  • Speak to your local tourist board, national park, or hotel and get them to join the Beyonk distributor network to benefit you and the Beyonk community.

Get your customers to spend more with you

There's no better time to encourage customers to spend more with you, than when they book. Their card details are readily available and they're in the spending mood. Try some of these quick actions to encourage your customers to spend more with you.
  • Set up your booking form to include ‘Add-ons’ when people are booking with you, to encourage people to upgrade their experience with food, accommodation, travel, guides and more
  • Offer Group-discounts , to encourage larger group bookings - as long as it fits within Covid19 guidelines of course!
  • Post booking, set up an automated email directing them to your booking portal to rebook another experience that is an upgrade of their previous experience or the natural next thing to do
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Grow your community

There's a wealth of ways to grow your community, but the Beyonk booking system can help through:
  • Ask a pre-checkout question to ‘Opt-in’ to Newsletters , to then be able to send them marketing emails in the future to attract them back to spend time with you
  • After booking send your customers automated emails to request follows on social media so they can stay involved and hear more
  • Ask your customers to leave a review on Google so you become more visible in search engines

Understand which of your marketing channels are most successful

"Data is king". By learning where people heard about you to book, you'll be better equipped to make spending decisions through 2021 and beyond.
  • Add a question pre-checkout, ‘Where did you hear about us?’ To inform you of where is best to focus your marketing efforts
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Did we miss any? Let us know and we'll add to the list to make this a useful asset for all in the Beyonk community.
Oscar White

Written by

Oscar White