Museum of Lead Mining Have Managed to Reduce Admin Duties With the Help of Beyonk

Discover how Museum of Lead Mining have managed to reduce their admin duties with the help of Beyonk’s online ticketing tools.

Museum of Lead Mining Have Managed to Reduce Admin Duties With the Help of Beyonk
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Museum of Lead Mining Have Managed to Reduce Admin Duties With the Help of Beyonk | Beyonk Blog
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Discover how Museum of Lead Mining have managed to reduce their admin duties with the help of Beyonk’s online ticketing tools.
The Museum of Lead Mining is situated amidst the Lowther Hills in Wanlockhead, Scotland. They offer tours of an original 18th century underground mine. You can try your luck at panning for gold - literally! You can also visit the miner’s cottages to see how their families once lived in the 18th century.

The start of the COVID-19 pandemic forced Lead Mining Museum to look for an online booking solution.

Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lead Mining Museum had no online booking system and were solely reliant on walk-ins. There was the occasional phone call or email enquiry which allowed the team to block off a time in their calendar and have customers pay on the day of arrival.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, they were forced to rethink business operations due to lockdown restrictions and had to limit the number of visitors for each tour. This led to the decision to find an online booking solution which could easily keep track of visitor numbers and manage bookings effortlessly.
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Source: Museum of Lead Mining

Beyonk’s user-friendly system won over the team at the Museum of Lead Mining.

The team at the Museum of Lead Mining had heard of Beyonk prior to this. There were some other businesses they knew who were using the system, plus one of their team members had used Beyonk as the end customer before and had a pleasant experience.
This led to the decision to choose Beyonk and the team were pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to move operations online with 70% of customers making bookings through the Beyonk system in 2021.
Whilst this number has dropped in 2022, with many customers opting to walk-in on the day, having an online booking system has meant they’re still able to reach people who prefer to book in advance and keep track of all that data in one place.
“I find it really easy to use, particularly in the back end. If we have to process refunds for customers, it’s as simple as one click. The entire system is user-friendly for both experience providers and our customers.”
Fiona, Museum of Lead Mining
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Source: Museum of Lead Mining

The Museum of Lead Mining have found great value in the Beyonk booking system with its automated features and reporting capabilities.

The Museum of Lead Mining team have been able to use Beyonk’s integrated reports to review their most popular ticket types.
This revealed family tickets weren’t as popular as others which was surprising. This has allowed them to look at their marketing efforts and implement changes to promote family tickets.
Beyonk’s simple and intuitive online booking system has allowed the team to focus on what really matters, cutting back their admin time and allowing them to leave any booking system changes with the seasonal staff members.
“For me, Beyonk’s simplicity is the most attractive feature as it’s very easy for other staff members to pick up something that needs changing or updating.”
Fiona, Museum of Lead Mining
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Header Image Source: Museum of Lead Mining
Jennie Byrne

Written by

Jennie Byrne

Head of Content