Beyonk’s Software Has Made Managing Bookings Effortless for The Foundry

Discover how The Foundry are managing bookings effortlessly with the help of Beyonk’s intuitive ticketing software.


The Foundry is a unique craft brewery, distillery, restaurant and bar in Canterbury. They have over 16 handcrafted ales, lagers and ciders available made with all natural ingredients of the highest quality by co-founder Jon Mills.

The Foundry embarked on brewery tours in 2019, aiming to showcase their craft just before a pivotal turn of events. Initially catering to an American tour group, they expanded their reach with support from Visit Kent, opening tours to the public. Seeking exposure, they aligned with Airbnb to facilitate bookings, leveraging the platform's expansive user base.

El reto

The brewery relied heavily on Airbnb for bookings, incorporating a website plug-in to streamline the process. The assumption was that most reservations came through Airbnb's interface rather than their own site. However, Airbnb's removal of the plug-in disrupted their booking flow, leading to a sudden halt in reservations.

Though it took a while to discover why bookings had stopped, The Foundry realised most of their bookings were being made via their own website and the need for an alternative booking solution that could integrate with their website was essential.

Cómo ayudamos

Attending an event where Beyonk showcased their booking software proved to be a game-changer. The presentation dispelled any reservations The Foundry had about transitioning to Beyonk. When the urgent need for an alternative solution arose, Beyonk was their immediate choice.

Our timely introduction and demonstration of the benefits led to a swift and confident decision to switch, ensuring a seamless transition and reaffirming our role in enabling their smooth operational continuity.

The Foundry came across their perfect booking alternative when attending a Beyonk presentation at the Canterbury Cathedral.


Since moving to Beyonk, it’s empowered us with the knowledge that AirBnb wasn’t our biggest source of bookings, it was actually our own website. The system is very easy to use even for me and we had no difficulty transferring to a new system. Even the booking form integration was seamless for us to implement.

Jon Mills, cofundador de The Foundry


Los resultados

The Foundry significantly amplified their exposure by leveraging Beyonk’s marketplace to promote their tour tickets. Additionally, partnering with Visit Kent, who collaborates with Beyonk, bolstered their visibility further. This strategic move expanded their reach across multiple platforms, enhancing their chances of attracting a broader audience and maximizing their tour bookings.


Yo recomendaría Beyonk por su facilidad de uso. Hace exactamente lo que dice en la página web, que es lo que toda empresa necesita oír cuando está pensando en hacer un cambio como este. Hace el trabajo por el que estás pagando y comparado con algo como AirBnb, está muy bien de precio y ese cargo extra es algo que realmente puedes pasar al cliente, con lo que el cliente parece estar muy contento, ya que es muy barato. Beyonk parece explicar muy bien ese cargo extra en el punto de venta porque es fácil para mis clientes entender de dónde viene ese cargo porque nadie lo ha cuestionado nunca.

Jon Mills, cofundador de The Foundry


Ease of use, reasonable booking fees and good customer value has set Beyonk apart from the crowd.


Now we have a stable booking system in place, we’re looking to increase our marketing efforts. We’ve hired a consultant who is starting to look at everything we do, including how we can utilise the Beyonk system to its fullest potential. We’re looking to increase our tours and bookings as we are launching a new website and are aiming to sell tickets or one-off events throughout next year, the first of which is likely to be for the launch of our whisky in February.

Jon Mills, cofundador de The Foundry



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