Beyonk is the best alternative to a Checkfront booking system

Beyonk makes complex scheduling and resource management simpler and the perfect alternative to a Checkfront booking system.

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Compare: Checkfront vs Beyonk

When you’re looking for a more modern and easy to use booking system, then Beyonk can be a great upgrade for you. Ease of use ultimately means less human error, less time training staff and less time spent on day-to-day operations to give you more time to do what matters most.

Beyonk is the perfect alternative to a Checkfront booking system as our software has been designed for the maximum functionality without the complexity.  We make complex ticketing simple by operating on a mobile-first approach so your system is modern and intuitive whatever device your customers are using. We provide more advanced features and cost-effective pricing to suit your business and our expert team is on hand to help.

If you’re looking for more channels to drive bookings, Beyonk offers  access to an exclusive distribution network of leading tourist boards, parks, forests, accommodation platforms and more, such as Visit Cornwall and Visit Lake District. We actively work on your behalf to get leading tourist boards to share your tours, activities, and experiences. We’re passionate about the events industry, and we’re constantly listening to our community to create a system they love.

software de emisión de billetes

Programación del personal y gestión de recursos

We know things can easily change in day to day operations, so it’s important your ticketing solution allows you to make amends and updates at any time. Beyonk is the ideal solution for experience providers as our staff scheduling and resource management capabilities exceed expectations. 

With Checkfront, you’ll struggle to amend availability once it has initially been set up. Beyonk ensures you have the freedom to amend staff availability if you know an employee is on holiday or someone unexpectedly calls in sick. You can also change the amount of resources you have in case of damage to equipment or other unforeseen circumstances so you never have to worry about overbookings.


Control crowds with our fast QR scanning software

In today’s market, experience providers are looking for a much more modern platform that allows staff and owners to manage their tickets and welcome customers efficiently.

Whereas Checkfront lacks the tools needed for a fast check in experience, Beyonk ensures all customers are sent a bespoke QR code upon making a booking.

You can then either use any device with a camera that’s connected to the internet or rent one of Beyonk’s specialized QR scanners to welcome guests and reduce queues to your event, tour or activity much faster.


Esta es la diferencia Beyonk...

Una plataforma. Infinitas posibilidades.


Venta de entradas en línea

Venda entradas en línea para atracciones, actividades, eventos y visitas guiadas con potentes funciones para vender más con menos carga de trabajo.

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Escaneado de billetes QR

Reduzca las colas y dé una cálida bienvenida a los huéspedes con las herramientas de escaneado QR y facturación de Beyonk.

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Vender tarjetas regalo en línea

Our ticketing software allows you to sell gift cards for your events, tours and activities to boost revenue and repeat customers.

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Afiliación y pases

Gestione fácilmente sus abonos y pases personalizados desde un único lugar. Mejore el compromiso de los clientes, aumente las visitas repetidas y fomente la fidelidad al tiempo que genera más ingresos.

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Gestión de la capacidad

¿Quiere controlar las aglomeraciones? Establezca límites de aforo para cada franja horaria, de modo que el personal no se vea desbordado por los visitantes.

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Integración con Zapier

Conecte su venta de entradas a más de 5.000 herramientas de software externas, incluidas listas de correo, software de contabilidad y mucho más. Actualiza fácilmente los sistemas externos que utilizas para impulsar tu negocio, CRM y mucho más.

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Punto de venta

Aproveche nuestro sistema EPOS integrado o una de nuestras conexiones externas para vender entradas en persona, a la vez que empaqueta con F&B, mercancías, membresías y mucho más.

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La opinión de nuestros clientes


Recientemente hemos trasladado nuestra venta de entradas para eventos especiales a Beyonk y estamos encantados con su funcionalidad y facilidad de uso. Ahora lo utilizamos para toda nuestra venta de entradas en línea. Es un sistema muy bien diseñado y fácil de usar, tanto en la interfaz con el cliente como en la gestión de las solicitudes de los clientes y los reembolsos. Los informes y la información de los clientes son sencillos y de fácil acceso. Excelente, gran apoyo comercial, facilidad de uso y muy rentable.

Alan en Pooles Cavern


¿Necesitas ayuda?

It can be difficult to know where to start, that’s why our friendly sales team is available to chat you through the process. We’ll even give you a live demonstration of our software. Get in touch today.

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