Beyonk is the best alternative to a Fareharbor booking system

Is Fareharbor the right choice for your business? Compare Beyonk to Fareharbor and discover why we could be the perfect solution for your business needs.

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Compare: Fareharbor vs Beyonk

Fareharbor is an online booking platform for activity, tour and rental operators that was acquired by Booking[.com]. Whilst Fareharbor is a well known booking solution for the tourism and leisure industry with some powerful tools, the downside to using Fareharbor can be that it is complicated to use and you’re often required to contact customer support to make changes to your account.

Not having full control over how you make changes to your system can be frustrating and cause issues, especially if you have critical changes to make. As a business, we know you need to ensure you have the flexibility to make changes yourself. That’s where Beyonk is different, our software allows you to remain in control of setting up and amending your events and activities and all your data at any point.

Beyonk provides you with an app store where you select the features you want, making the dashboard highly personalized for you and as simple as possible for your business. Simplicity ultimately gives you confidence to amend the system when you need to, and to reduce the amount of time you spend managing your business. Whilst everything on Beyonk is self-service, we have a talented and passionate customer service team that are on hand to proactively help to maximise your success.

Beyonk is the slick, easy-to-use ticketing platform that allows you to get the most of your bookings without interference.


Fully customizable ticketing software

The biggest advantage to choosing Beyonk over a Fareharbor booking system is that our software is completely customizable. You have the flexibility you need to create and update ticket listings from anywhere in the world and from any device.

Whilst Beyonk offers sophisticated tools for you to run your business, you can select from our App store for the functionality you want, ensuring the software remains as simple or as powerful as you want.

We allow you to personalize the booking journey to your liking, from customized confirmation, reminder and thank you emails to ticket add-ons such as gift vouchers and checkout questions to gather customer insights.

You’re in full control of your booking system, so you don’t need to rely on anyone else to make changes to your account.


Fully self-service booking system with 24/7 support

Whilst we’ve built our system to be entirely self-service, we know that sometimes you will have some questions. That’s why our specialist team is available 24/7 to speak with you, and can even provide a free live demonstration of our software.

Unlike Fareharbor, we ensure you will have a dedicated customer support agent once your experiences are live so know exactly who you’re speaking to on the phone every time and can rest assured they know your account history.


Esta es la diferencia Beyonk...

Una plataforma. Infinitas posibilidades.


Venta de entradas en línea

Venda entradas en línea para atracciones, actividades, eventos y visitas guiadas con potentes funciones para vender más con menos carga de trabajo.

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Escaneado de billetes QR

Reduzca las colas y dé una cálida bienvenida a los huéspedes con las herramientas de escaneado QR y facturación de Beyonk.

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Vender tarjetas regalo en línea

Our ticketing software allows you to sell gift cards for your events, tours and activities to boost revenue and repeat customers.

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Afiliación y pases

Gestione fácilmente sus abonos y pases personalizados desde un único lugar. Mejore el compromiso de los clientes, aumente las visitas repetidas y fomente la fidelidad al tiempo que genera más ingresos.

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Gestión de la capacidad

¿Quiere controlar las aglomeraciones? Establezca límites de aforo para cada franja horaria, de modo que el personal no se vea desbordado por los visitantes.

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Integración con Zapier

Conecte su venta de entradas a más de 5.000 herramientas de software externas, incluidas listas de correo, software de contabilidad y mucho más. Actualiza fácilmente los sistemas externos que utilizas para impulsar tu negocio, CRM y mucho más.

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Punto de venta

Aproveche nuestro sistema EPOS integrado o una de nuestras conexiones externas para vender entradas en persona, a la vez que empaqueta con F&B, mercancías, membresías y mucho más.

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La opinión de nuestros clientes


As a non-techy person, being able to upload and edit my experiences, workshops and events simply and easily is essential. My web designer was able to upload the portal to my website quickly and easily without having to refer back to Beyonk technical support. I like that the payment partnership with Stripe is so transparent. Beyonk was a much simpler platform (than Fareharbor), easier to integrate and to maintain day to day control of listings, bookings and content.

Victoria en Simply Alpaca


¿Necesitas ayuda?

Get in touch with our friendly team today who can help you kickstart your journey to selling tickets online and show you how to get the most out of your new ticketing system.

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