Beyonk is the best alternative to a Wix booking plugin

Is a Wix booking plugin the right choice for your business? Compare Beyonk to Wix and discover why we could be the perfect solution for your business needs.

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Compare: Wix vs Beyonk

A Wix booking plugin offers users basic booking technology that can be set up at the same time you’re setting up your website. If you’re just starting your business and are already using Wix as your primary CMS, this can be a quick way to get started.

However, for those organizations that require more flexibility for the future and want to have the best chances of success with selling tickets online, then using a purpose-built leading ticketing solution like Beyonk can be the best route forwards.

Beyonk is a modern, booking and business management system which allows multiple users to create and amend tickets from anywhere in the world and from any device. Easily amend your data on the go, and manage bookings with ease without having to give access to team members to the back end of your website. Being purpose-built to manage ticket sales, Beyonk opens up a range of features from resource management, staff scheduling, gift vouchers, add-ons and more - all to help you get the most out of ticketing for your events. What’s more - Beyonk enables you to sync your data with over 5000 apps so you can manage your business seamlessly with the other critical tools you use.


Advanced automation tools to reduce admin

If you’ve got the resources available to manage enquiries, booking amendments, regularly email customers and welcome guests efficiently, then a Wix booking plugin might be the best choice for you.

With Beyonk, you can customize the booking journey to your liking and automate the process to relieve your team of constant management. You’re in complete control.

Create personalized welcome emails to acknowledge a booking has been received and provide details on everything a visitor needs to know prior to arriving. You can set up reminder emails to engage with your customers and get them excited for their upcoming visit with a sneak peek into what they can expect. Finally, your thank you emails can be used to inspire future bookings or gather feedback about your experiences using questionnaires.

All of this can be set up prior to publishing your experiences so you spend less time on daily management duties and more time ensuring you’re creating the best experience possible. More importantly, you can amend everything without having to log into your website.


Maximize revenue opportunities with add-ons

By choosing Beyonk as your next booking system provider, you’ll unlock opportunities to maximise your revenue with customized add-ons.

When a customer goes to checkout, we give you the ability to include multiple add-ons in order to sell more experiences, encourage more ticket sales by offering group discounts or sell gift vouchers so visitors can invite their friends and family to visit in the future.

Grow your events, tours and activities with Beyonk’s sophisticated ticketing tools allowing you to have better control managing capacity per time slot, creating group discounts, setting up pending bookings, waivers and attendee level checkout questions.


Essa é a diferença da Beyonk...


Na Beyonk, nós nos dedicamos a criar a experiência de reserva mais perfeita possível. É por isso que a facilidade de uso e a agregação de valor estão na vanguarda de tudo o que fazemos. Encontre uma solução para suas necessidades de emissão de ingressos com a Beyonk.


Sistema de emissão de bilhetes on-line gratuito

Sim, é exatamente como parece. Não cobramos nenhuma taxa de hospedagem e nosso software é totalmente gratuito. Você só paga quando faz uma reserva e oferecemos preços baixos para o setor.

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Leitura de bilhetes QR

Gerencie sua empresa com mais eficiência com a ferramenta de leitura de tíquetes QR da Beyonk. Reduza rapidamente as longas filas e mantenha seus clientes satisfeitos.

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Venda de vales-presente on-line

Nosso software de emissão de bilhetes permite que você venda vales-presente para seus eventos, passeios e atividades para incentivar os visitantes a recomendá-lo a seus amigos e familiares.

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Sistema de gerenciamento de capacidade

Deseja controlar a multidão? Defina limites de capacidade para cada intervalo de tempo para que sua equipe no local não fique sobrecarregada com os visitantes.

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Integração com o Zapier

Com a nossa nova integração com o Zapier, você poderá conectar o Beyonk a mais de 5.000 ferramentas de software externas, incluindo listas de e-mails, software de contabilidade e muito mais. Atualize facilmente seus sistemas externos que você usa para impulsionar seus negócios, CRM e muito mais.

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Ponto de venda

Você nunca mais precisará se preocupar com visitas não programadas de clientes com o recurso de ponto de venda do Beyonk. Use nosso leitor de cartão eletrônico para receber pagamentos pessoalmente e processá-los automaticamente em sua conta Stripe.

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O que nossos clientes dizem


Before we started using Beyonk, we were doing everything manually through enquiry forms whilst we were looking for a new booking system. When we came across Beyonk, we were so excited because it captures everything you need to give your customers the best pre-booking experience.

Rhiannon no Wild Carrot


Precisa de ajuda?

Are you unsure whether Beyonk is the best fit for your business? Get in touch with us today and our expert solutions team can talk you through your options and even provide a live demonstration of our software.

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