Fuller’s Brewery partners with BookingHound to enhance visitor experience

Discover how BookingHound’s ticketing system helped Fuller’s Brewery increase revenue by 10%.


Fuller’s saw a 10% revenue boost in first 3 months with BookingHound.


Brewing has taken place on this West London site since at least 1654, with the business changing hands several times as the brewery site grew. Starting in 1845, the collective stewardship of the Griffin Brewery by the Fuller, Smith & Turner families; proved a lasting legacy.

Since 2019, the Fuller’s Griffin Brewery has been owned & operated by Asahi. 

With a growing popularity in Brewery Tours, dedicated staff like Jill, one of their lab technicians at Fuller’s, was tasked with showing a group of guests around on the first Thursday of each month.

As interest surged over the years, the team now conduct an average of 5 tours daily, six days a week. Notably, Jill remains a steadfast presence, passionately sharing her pride and dedication for the work they do.

Fullers flagship beer can be found in over 18 countries worldwide. People know the beer before they know the brewery.


The challenge

Initially, Fuller's Brewery collaborated with another company that retrofitted online booking into some existing work by adding a module to their website. However, when the contract concluded, Fuller's Brewery initiated a search for an alternative solution. Their requirements had evolved, necessitating a more comprehensive booking solution that could accommodate features like age verification, date and time slot selection.


How we helped

During the research phase the team received email marketing from various companies and after narrowing down their options to a shortlist, they met with representatives from each company to determine the best fit for them.

After reviewing several companies, Fuller’s Brewery opted to work with BookingHound.


BookingHound gave us a lot more freedom to sell tickets and gift vouchers through third parties. Previously this process was very complex and required a lot of manual work on my part to reach out to the customer individually about their voucher code and the time and date they’d like to visit. Now, customers have much more flexibility to make a booking and use a voucher code without needing to speak to me. The user journey for customers has improved exponentially with BookingHound.

Jason at Fullers Brewery


The customer support team is one of Fuller’s favourite things about working with BookingHound.

The responsiveness of the team is one of my favourite things about BookingHound. If I've ever got a question, they are very quick to come up with a solution and recommendations. They take the time to really understand my issue and help to solve it, and that includes any future problem I may have as a result. I love that kind of engagement we get.

Jason at Fullers Brewery


The results

By adopting BookingHound for online ticketing, Fuller's Brewery significantly cut down on general admin duties. The software not only saved valuable admin time but also empowered the brewery to focus on broader business enhancements and foster collaborations with additional third-party partners. While Virgin Experience Days was their sole third-party reseller in the past, the integration of BookingHound's software has expanded their partnerships.

BookingHound has helped me to manage my workload much more effectively and allows me to issue more concise reports internally.

Jason at Fullers Brewery


Saving valuable admin time and exceeding quarterly revenue expectations through tour bookings by 10%.

We've experienced a surge in bookings, surpassing our expectations. Year-to-date revenue is on target, exceeding projections. For the first quarter, marked by two slow months and one exceptionally busy month, saw a 10% increase in bookings which we could track clearly using BookingHound. This was really encouraging for the business and they expect this upward trend to continue.

The main reason we'd recommend BookingHound is the engaging service we've received so far. It's the team and their approach to helping their customers that we find the most delightful.

Jason at Fullers Brewery



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