Melbourne Hall reduces admin by 50% with Beyonk's streamlined booking system

Discover how Melbourne Hall saved 50% admin time with the help of the Beyonk booking system


Melbourne Hall is one of the best known historic gardens in the country with the best surviving early 18th century garden in the manner of Le Norte. Visitors from all over come to visit the hall and gardens to get involved with the tree trail, rainbow plate and more.

The challenge

Melbourne Hall faced overwhelming administrative duties, prompting the necessity for an automated booking solution. Initially, they processed bookings manually over the phone, meaning they needed staff availability at all times. This process became increasingly challenging for the team, leading them to seek alternative solutions that could modernize the booking process and align with other businesses equipped with online booking systems.


How we helped

The discovery of Beyonk as an ideal booking solution for Melbourne Hall's needs led to a transformative implementation, liberating the team from manual booking management and allowing them to realign focus on their primary job roles.

Beyonk’s enabled the team to move away from manual booking management and allowing them to realign focus on their primary job roles.


It was a bit of a game changer for us to be honest, Beyonk helped to reduce this massive workload I had. It’s also very easy to use and cost-effective. In the end, they were the two things our decision came down to.

Joanne of Melbourne Hall


The results

Integration of Beyonk's online booking system enabled Melbourne Hall to slash their administrative workload by more than 50%. 

The implementation empowered customers to book tickets independently, even outside regular office hours, leading to significant time savings for the team. Particularly during peak seasons, such as summer when garden visitations surge, this streamlined process resulted in substantial time efficiency gains for the staff and a better customer experience.


I’ve got more time to do my day job, which is hugely beneficial to me and we’re now able to compete with similar businesses who also have an online solution. I also really like how easy it is to put new experiences on there and set different prices and integrating that into our website is easy. Ease of use and reduction of admin are Beyonk’s two best features in my opinion.

Joanne of Melbourne Hall


Customers have been empowered to book tickets online, even outside regular office hours, leading to significant time savings for the team.


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